Halt the Restart of Sendai Nuclear Power Plant! December 13 Anti-Nuclear Demonstration March in Shibuya


This will be the final big anti-nuclear demonstration for 2014 organized by Metropolitan Coalition Against Nukes that runs the Friday evening protests in front of the prime minister’s residence. We are calling for people from around Japan to take part.

The demonstration gives us the opportunity to voice our opinion on different subjects with a focus on halting the restart of the Sendai Nuclear Power Plant as well as protesting the restart of all other plants, the review of the basic energy plan and export of nuclear technology.

To all those people who have never taken part in a demonstration, this is your big chance! Everyone is welcome!

Date: December 13, 2014 (Saturday)
Meeting time: 13:00
Demo march starts: 14:00
Meeting place: The Shibuya side of Yoyogi Park’s Keyaki Namiki (Shibuya-ku, Tokyo)
Organizer: Metropolitan Coalition Against Nukes

Access to Yoyogi Park:
Harajuku Station (JR Line): 3 mins walk
Yoyogi Koen Station (Chiyoda Line, C02): 3 mins walk
Meiji Jingu-mae Station (Harajuku) (Chiyoda Line (C03) and Fukutoshin Line (F15)): 3 mins walk
Yoyogi Hachiman Station (Odakyu Line): 6 mins walk

Demonstration march course (click to enlarge)









Click for map (Japanese)

*Will be held rain or shine and only cancelled in case of very bad weather.
(In case of cancellation, we will post a message on our website, twitter and facebook)
*Plan subject to change. Please reconfirm details on our website.

Help us by tweeting the following message:
Dec 13(Sat) Anti-nuke demo in Shibuya. Halt restart of Sendai Power Plants! Starts 14:00. Details here: http://coalitionagainstnukes.jp/en/20141213-2/ #NoNukes

Click to enlarge or download
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There has still been no resolution to the nuclear accident that occurred on March 2011. This includes a number of lingering problems, including the issue of evacuees. Despite this, the government is pushing ahead toward the completely irresponsible action of restarting the Sendai Nuclear Power Pant in Kagoshima Prefecture, which is riddled with problems such as risk of explosion and leakage, while an evacuation plan has yet to be created.

Since operation of the No. 4 reactor of the Oi Nuclear Power Plant in Fukui Prefecture, which was the only nuclear plant in action in Japan, was halted for routine inspection on September 15, 2013, there have been zero nuclear facilities online in Japan. The fact that it was possible to pass summer, when electricity usage is at its peak, without any nuclear power, proves that there is enough power in Japan without resorting to the use of nuclear plants. Despite this, the government has been trying to restart nuclear plants throughout Japan for the sole benefit of a few individuals and corporations.

There is no need whatsoever for us to be sacrificed just to protect the interests of a few people. Nuclear power can destroy the sanctity of life. Come along to the demonstration and make your voice heard!