Direct request to Prime Minister Noda(August. 22, 2012)



Direct request to Prime Minister Noda(August 22, 2012)
The Metropolitan Coalition Against Nukes have been hosting a protest act against the Prime Minister’s Office on every Friday, since March 29th, continuingly.
On April, we made a claim against the Cabinet Office not to restart Ohi Nuclear Power Plant.
And ever since, we have kept making requests to meet Prime Minister Noda, but the PM Office kept refusing such opportunities.
But even though the decision to restart Ohi NPP has been done, the protest in front of his office showed an incredible inflation since mid June, which left them no options to ignore our demands any more.
Meanwhile, the Government proposed an assignment plan of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, which clearly wiped away our hopes for a nuclear power free world. We cannot accept this.
Now we, the Metropolitan Coalition Against Nukes, have decided to send a message to PM Noda, that we shall never stop our protest, unless all of the NPPs will be stopped again with a clear policy heading for a nuclear free Japan. ( :many support and cooperation from bipartisan congressmen and women, and others will make it happen.)
Our demands for PM Noda are planned to be as followed.
1. Suspending operations of Ohi Nuclear Power Plant.
2. All reactors which are under inspection phase should not be restarted anymore.
3. National energy policy should abandon nuclear, including extermination of all facilities.
4. Assignment plans for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission must be taken back.
Now we add “Take back the assignment plan for the new regulatory commission” appeal to our protest, as well as the well known “NO TO RESTART”, which we have held high all this time. And we will also deliver the voices from Fukushima, the land which was destroyed by the accident.
[Action Summary]
Date: August 22th (Wed), 2012. PM 2:00 – 2:20
Location: the Prime Minister’s Office
Attendee: Metropolitan Coalition Against Nukes, Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda
Broadcast: Broadcast planned to be on air via PM Office web site >>
Coverage: Possible throughout the meeting (though restricted to members of the Press Club)
*Press conference planned from the Metropolitan Coalition Against Nukes after meeting.
*No broadcast was their conditions at first, which we made them put down.
-We have an agreement now, of full internet broadcasting.
-Freelance journalists were prohibited, although we made requests.
Metropolitan Coalition Against Nukes
E-Mail: press* (please replace ” * ” with “@”)
Metropolitan Coalition Against Nukes
-Misao Redwolf (No Nukes More Hearts), Gippei Koizumi (”Genpatsu yamero demo” related volunteer), Taichi Hirano (TwitNoNukes), Umezou Kato (LOFT PROJECT), Hiroshi Harada (Tanpoposha), MakotoY\ Yanagida(Tanpoposha),Koichi Suzuki (Energy Shift Parade), Kaoru Echigo (Act311JAPAN), Illcommonz (“Drums Of Protest”), Hirokuni Ozawa (volunteer / “Rock no kai”), waka (volunteer)
[About us]
The Metropolitan Coalition Against Nukes is a “network” among groups and people who host demonstrations of their own, established on September 2011. Our first act was the “Rally for a Nuke-Free World”, held October 22nd, 2011, in liaison with Coalition Against Nukes (U.S.A.). On January 14th, 2012, 4,500 people took part in our parade “Global March for a Nuclear Power Free World in Yokohama”, in solidarity with the Global Conference for a Nuclear Power Free World.
On the first annual memorial of the 3.11 disaster, we hosted the “3.11 Tokyo Big March -Mourning, and a new oath of anti-nuclear power-”, co-working with a diet building surrounding
act, in which 14,000 people walked with us. On July 29th, 2012, an amazing 200,000 people gathered to our movement, “7.29 Human Chain Action against the Diet Building for a Nuclear Free World”.
On the other hand, we kept holding a protest in front of the PM Office every Friday since March. At first, no more than 1,000 people came to the place, but as soon as PM Noda declared the restart of Ohi NPP, the number kept growing explosively. We now count 100,000 and more participants constantly, sometimes 200,000. We will keep on working united with our allies, those in and out of Japan, for a nuclear free world.