Remembrance of 3.11: Towards the era of decommissioning nuclear power plants
and construction of the society of renewable energy.
No NUKES! Reform the Basic Energy Plan now!
Date: 14:00-16:00 March 7, 2021 (Sunday)
Venue: In Front Of Parliament Building Main Gate (South Garden Side)
*No Protest In Front Of PM’s Official Residence
Organizer: Metropolitan Coalition Against Nukes (MCAN)
“remote” one week before the scheduled date and let you
know on our website.
10 years have passed since the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident. During this time, the Japanese government continued to promote nuclear power, and former Prime Minister Abe made false statements in order to attract the Olympics, saying, “The nuclear accident is under control.” However, the accident has not been
settled successfully, and the government continues to do things that are not allowed, such as considering the release of radioactive contaminated water into the ocean. Furthermore, there are still many people who cannot return to their hometowns due to radioactive contamination, and it was foolish and sad to name the Tokyo Olympics “reconstruction Olympics” even though the reconstruction of the entire Tohoku region
is only halfway there.
It is time for humanity to realize that we cannot coexist with nuclear facilities and that they cannot be used for peaceful purposes. We must end the threat of nuclear facilities. In fact, since the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, renewable energy has become the mainstream overseas, and it is well known that
the nuclear power industry is economically unviable. What we should move to now is the “era of decommissioning nuclear power plants”. Decommissioning can take more than 30 years, and advancing a shift in energy policy as soon as possible is within the “scope of our responsibility” as adults for the next generation.
Electricity is essential to the lives of people in modern society. However, it is quite natural to use safe electricity such as renewable energy rather than dangerous nuclear power plants that harm the environment and lives. The “natural” must not be spoiled by a small number of vested interests and politicians who aspire to acquire nuclear arms. Overwhelming public opinion is for denuclearization, and we cannot be called a democratic nation unless those in power accept the will of the people. It will be the first step toward a better and new society to start moving toward “denuclearization”. NO NUKES in the world!
Guest speakers (titles omitted/Not in order of appearance)
<Well-known personalities>
●Eiji Oguma @quikion(Sociologist)
●Satoshi Kamata(reportage writer/Sayonara Genpatsu 10 Million People’s Action)
●Rika Kayama @rkayama (Psychiartist)
●Naoto Kan @Naotokan (Member of The House Of Representatives/Former Prime Minister)
●Shigeaki Koga @kogashigeaki(former Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry official/ representative of Forum 4, a social movement supporting both pacifism and structural reform of the economy)
●Danshiro Tatekawa @Dgoutokuji (Rakugo performer/writer/book reviewer)
●Kei Nakazawa @kei_nakazawa(Writer)
●Osamu Nishitani(Philosopher)
●Seiichi Mizuno @SeiichiMizuno(Former president of Seibu Department Stores/Former member of the House of Councilors <Chairman of new party Sakigake>)
Politicians: To be determined
Live Performances

Hisato Yamamoto (guitar/vocal)
Worked in MOST, Higashiguchi Toluenes, M.J.Q, hisatonchatani, shidamyojin, etc.
As of 2019, mainly active as a solo artist and a member of Hisashi’N’Chatani.

Tomokazu Ninomiya @fundoshiprince(ex eastern youth、Hyo-tan) as a solo artist.
Life Style: Going back and forth between his room of four and a half Tatami-mats and “Space” (Live Show Venue) with his clasical guitar and his songs.

Tokuichi Shinohara @sinotoku1
Born in 1983 in Katsushika ward, Tokyo.
Started in the punk band “smell” in around 2000 and now in action as a solo artist.
Also active in contonovo,pinga and Kamadouma.
Life Style: Going back and forth between Koriyama in Tohoku and Tokyo until now.
Nearest stations:
Kokkaigijidomae (Marunouchi, Chiyoda lines / Exits 3, 4)
Nagatacho (Yurakucho, Hanzomon, Namboku lines / Exit 1)
Tameike Sanno (Namboku, Ginza lines / Exit 5; Also passage to Kokkaigijidomae Stn.)
Kasumigaseki (Marunouchi, Chiyoda, Hibiya lines / Exits A8, A13)
Sakuradamon (Yurakucho line / Exits 1, 2)
Please help us with a donation for this event
This event is run solely on donations from ordinary citizens. Please help us to continue our work with a donation.
● Johnan Shinkin Bank
Yokohama Branch
Branch number: 063
Account type: Ordinary (Futsuu 普通)
Account number: 285654
Account name: シュトケンハンゲンパツレンゴウ (“Shutoken han-genpatsu rengo”)
● Japan Post Bank (at Post Offices):
Account name: シュトケンハンゲンパツレンゴウ (“Shutoken han-genpatsu rengo”)
Account number: 00170-1-291074
○If you deposit from another bank, use the branch number 019 with 0291074 as the account number (Account type: Toza (当座)).
*Please put “1110 kampa” in the reference section.
★We will decide whether the demonstration will be “participatory” or
“remote” one week before the scheduled date and let you know on our website.
★In the case of “participatory” demonstration, your cooperation below is required.
*Wearing face mask is strongly required.
*Keep social distancing during participation.
*Please refrain from unnecessary vocalizations during participation. Chants No Nukes slogans will be made with only lead-call by our staff.
○This Is A Non-Violent Action. Please Only Participate Upon Understanding Of This Policy.
○Please Make Appropriate Preparations For Weather, Especially Fluid For Rehydration And Rain Gear.
○Approach Staff If You Feel Unwell.
○Solicitation To Participate In Religious Or Other Groups Is Strictly Prohibited.
○Please Do Not Distribute Any Printed Material To Participants That Has Not First Been Approved By Organizers.
○No Flyer Distribution Or Petitions Allowed.
○Please Leave Ample Space For Pedestrians.
○Please Make Sure Flags Are Directly Related To The Anti-Nuclear Movement.
○For Camera And Video Operators, Please Provide Affiliation And Contact Details If Asked By Staff As Content Can Sometimes Be Misused.
Email: Info@Coalitionagainstnukes.Jp