July 7 NO NUKES demo

Aiming for no scheduled restarts in FY2019 and a nuclear-free society
Upper house elections and the joint struggle of citizens and opposition parties to realize a non-nuclear government

Date: 17:00~19:00 July 7, 2019 (Sunday)
Venue: In front of parliament building main gate (south garden side)
*No protest in front of PM’s official residence
Organizer: Metropolitan Coalition Against Nukes (MCAN)

The Abe administration has still failed to learn its lessons from the manmade Fukushima nuclear disaster in 2011, and since 2014 has advocated a basic Energy Policy that states that nuclear power plants are an important source of base-load power. The administration continues to promote a policy focused on nuclear energy and a nuclear fuel cycle. This is in spite of the fact that many Japanese citizens desire a non-nuclear society and a shift to renewable energy. The use of natural energy has taken off worldwide and many companies and local governments in both Japan and overseas are working toward RE100, a movement in which 100% of power for business activities is covered by renewable energy.

In addition, the Atomic Energy Commission has decided not to approve extensions to installation deadlines for anti-terrorism facilities in nuclear power plants, given as five years following a review of the restart, due to problems with delayed construction. Some 12 reactors and six nuclear power plants run by the three major power companies in Kansai, Shikoku and Kyushu are set to exceed the deadline for installation. Further, nine of the reactors that have already been restarted will be forced to discontinue operation in a step-wise manner from 2020 if they do not meet the installation deadline.

A government that belittles the risk of nuclear facilities being targeted in a terrorist attack and tries to force through the restart of nuclear plants is itself a problem while it is unfathomable that the running of nuclear facilities is left to businesses with minimal interest in incorporating such anti-terrorism measures. Just as the nuclear exports the Abe administration was aiming for have come to a standstill, the curtain is slowly coming down on the era of nuclear power around the world as people wake to the fact that it poses nothing but a huge threat to humankind. Decommissioning nuclear reactors takes at least 30 years. Even if such work is started right away, the next generation will still need to shoulder a very heavy burden.

Over a year has passed since the Constitutional Democratic Party and key opposition parties submitted a basic bill promoting a nuclear-free Japan. This bill has still not been debated in parliament. The Abe administration needs to debate this bill immediately and rethink its energy policy as well as devise a policy for decommissioning nuclear facilities and nurturing engineers to handle the work.

We must oust this administration in the national elections in July and elect a government that listens to the will of the people in seeking a nuclear free land. Let’s join hands with the opposition parties and gather in front of parliament on the evening of July 7 to voice our opinions and demand an end to nuclear power.


Guest speakers (titles omitted/Not in order of appearance)

● Rika Kayama (psychiatrist)
● Carol Hisasue (writer/activist/spokesperson for “Mothers for Peace”)
● Shigeaki Koga (former Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry official/ representative of Forum 4, a social movement supporting both pacifism and structural reform of the economy)
● Shuzo Suito (Secretariat for The Takagi Fund for Citizen Science/Secretariat for Citizens’ Commission on Nuclear Energy)
● Shigeru Suzuki (editor/publisher)
● Kei Nakazawa (writer)
● Osamu Nishitani (philosopher/specially-appointed professor at Rikkyo University)
● Kanna Mitsuta (Secretary General, International environmental NGO NGO FoE Japan)

● To be determined

<Live Performances>

●Akai Giwaku

*Plans subject to change

Nearest stations:

Kokkaigijidomae (Marunouchi, Chiyoda lines / Exits 3, 4)
Nagatacho (Yurakucho, Hanzomon, Namboku lines / Exit 1)
Tameike Sanno (Namboku, Ginza lines / Exit 5; Also passage to Kokkaigijidomae Stn.)
Kasumigaseki (Marunouchi, Chiyoda, Hibiya lines / Exits A8, A13)
Sakuradamon (Yurakucho line / Exits 1, 2)

Please help us with a donation for this event
This event is run solely on donations from ordinary citizens. Please help us to continue our work with a donation.
● Johnan Shinkin Bank
Yokohama Branch
Branch number: 063
Account type: Ordinary (Futsuu 普通)
Account number: 285654
Account name: シュトケンハンゲンパツレンゴウ (“Shutoken han-genpatsu rengo”)
● Japan Post Bank (at Post Offices):
Account name: シュトケンハンゲンパツレンゴウ (“Shutoken han-genpatsu rengo”)
Account number: 00170-1-291074
○If you deposit from another bank, use the branch number 019 with 0291074 as the account number (Account type: Toza (当座)).
*Please put “1111 kanpa” in the reference section.

○This is a non-violent action. Please only participate upon understanding of this policy.
○Please make appropriate preparations for weather, especially fluid for rehydration and rain gear.
○Approach staff if you feel unwell.
○Solicitation to participate in religious or other groups is strictly prohibited.
○Please do not distribute any printed material to participants that has not first been approved by organizers.
○No flyer distribution or petitions allowed.
○Please leave ample space for pedestrians.
○Please make sure flags are directly related to the anti-nuclear movement.
○For camera and video operators, please provide affiliation and contact details if asked by staff as content can sometimes be misused.
Email: info@coalitionagainstnukes.jp

Please help us with a donation for this event

This event is run solely on donations from ordinary citizens. Please help us to continue our work with a donation.

○From Japan Post Bank (at Post Offices):
Account name: シュトケンハンゲンパツレンゴウ (“Shutoken han-genpatsu rengo”)
Account number: 00170-1-291074
○If you deposit from another bank, use the branch number 019 with 0291074 as the account number (Account type: Toza (当座)).
*Please put “1111 kanpa” in the reference section.

Johnan Shinkin Bank
Yokohama Branch
Branch number: 063
Account type: Ordinary (Futsuu 普通)
Account number: 285654
Account name: シュトケンハンゲンパツレンゴウ (“Shutoken han-genpatsu rengo”)


○This is a non-violent action. Please only participate upon understanding of this policy.
○Please make appropriate preparations for weather, especially fluid for rehydration and rain gear.
○Approach staff if you feel unwell.
○Solicitation to participate in religious or other groups is strictly prohibited.
○Please do not distribute any printed material to participants that has not first been approved by organizers.
○No flyer distribution or petitions allowed.
○Please leave ample space for pedestrians.
○Please make sure flags are directly related to the anti-nuclear movement.
○For camera and video operators, please provide affiliation and contact details if asked by staff.


Email: info@coalitionagainstnukes.jp