1111 No Nukes ☆Demonstration in Front of Parliament

Protest the restart of Oi, Genkai and Kashiwazaki-Kariwa Nuclear Power Plants!
Demand amendments to the government’s Basic Energy Plan and Japan-US Nuclear Agreement and switch to measures promoting the end of nuclear power!

Date: 14:00~16:00 November 11, 2017 (Saturday)
Place: In front of the main gates of the Diet building (includes guest speakers – public figures/politicians) and in front of the prime minister’s office (includes protest chants)
Organiser: Metropolitan Coalition Against Nukes

Reactors 3 and 4 at the Takahama nuclear power plant in Fukui Prefecture were restarted in May and June this year despite the use of dangerous MOX fuel. Preparations are also being made to restart reactors 3 and 4 of the Oi nuclear power plant in Fukui Prefecture and reactors 3 and 4 of the Genkai nuclear power plant in Shiga Prefecture. Moves are also being made to restart the Kashiwazaki-Kariwa nuclear power plant run by Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO), which is to blame for the massive trouble at the Fukushima nuclear power plant. With an inability to deal with this issue properly, it’s clear to everyone that TEPCO is not qualified to operate nuclear facilities.   

The Basic Energy Plan has become the legal grounds for restarting these plants. Rather than reflect on the disaster and try to make amends, the Abe administration has instead brazenly deemed nuclear power an important base-load power source, precipitating a mad rush to restart nuclear facilities. In addition to this Basic Energy Plan, the Japan-US Nuclear Agreement will be reviewed next year. This agreement has a major impact on such areas as plutonium for thermal use. We must seize this big chance to try and make amends.       

The Moritomo Gakuen scandal and other scandals have forced a cabinet reshuffle and the once-dominant Abe administration is beginning to crumble. Despite this, an irrational decision has been made to dissolve the House of Representatives . The opposition party continues to fight with the ruling party over the nuclear-free stance and we are fully aware of the need to establish an administration with an anti-nuclear posture. The North Korean missile crisis has led to neglect of the dangerous nuclear situation, and on top of this, the government is pushing ahead with the export of nuclear technology as other countries cancel plans to build their nuclear power facilities. We desperately need a change of course.

We are planning to gather in front of the Diet building and the prime minister’s office this coming November 11 to safeguard our future. Join us and make your voice heard. Amid the sudden move to dissolve the House of Representatives and reform of the opposition party, let’s make sure they know we stand together for a nuclear-free future.

1111 No Nukes ☆Demonstration In Front Of Parliament. Details here: http://coalitionagainstnukes.jp/en/2017/10/09/1111/ #NoNukes https://pic.twitter.com/qy5zfNILgq


[In front of Diet] Speechesorder of Japanese syllabary/titles omitted)
Eiji Oguma (sociologist)
Hitomi Kamanaka (film-maker)
Rika Kayama (psychiatrist
Shigeaki Koga (former government bureaucrat and representative of Forum4 seeking reform and no war)
Hiroshi Shimada (leader of defence team in Fukui Court to block restart of Oi plant )
Masayoshi Takeuchi (Professor, Department of Architecture and Environmental Design, Faculty of Design Engineering, Tohoku University of Art and Design)
Ouch Yoshimura (editor/writer)

Opposition party politicians (to be determined)

<Live performance>
Nao Matsuzaki (singer/songwriter, rock ’n roller)
ATS (rapper)

Plans are subject to change. Check our website for details: http://coalitionagainstnukes.jp/?p=10093


Nearest stations:
○Kokkaigijidomae (Marunouchi, Chiyoda lines / Exits 3, 4)
○Nagatacho (Yurakucho, Hanzomon, Namboku lines / Exit 1)
○Tameike Sanno (Namboku, Ginza lines / Exit 5; Also passage to Kokkaigijidomae Stn.)
○Kasumigaseki (Marunouchi, Chiyoda, Hibiya lines / Exits A8, A13)
Sakuradamon (Yurakucho line / Exits 1, 2)

Help us with a donation for this event

This event is run solely on donations from ordinary citizens. Please help us to continue our work with a donation.
○From Japan Post Bank (at Post Offices):
Account name: シュトケンハンゲンパツレンゴウ (“Shutoken han-genpatsu rengo”) Account number: 00170-1-291074
○If you deposit from another bank, use the branch number 019 with 0291074 as the account number (Account type: Toza (当座)).
*Please put “0707 kanpa” in the reference section.

Johnan Shinkin Bank
Yokohama Branch
Branch number: 063
Account type: Ordinary (Futsuu 普通)
Account number: 285654
Account name: シュトケンハンゲンパツレンゴウ(“Shutoken han-genpatsu rengo”)


This is a non-violent action. Please only participate upon understanding of this policy.
Please make appropriate preparations for weather, especially fluid for rehydration and rain gear.
Approach staff if you feel unwell.
Solicitation to participate in religious or other groups is strictly prohibited.
Please do not distribute any printed material to participants that has not first been approved by organizers.
No flyer distribution or petitions allowed.
Please leave ample space for pedestrians.
Please do not fly flags. They can hinder view and cause injury.
For camera and video operators, please provide affiliation and contact details if asked by staff.

Email: info@coalitionagainstnukes.jp