NO NUKES DAY, March 26 (Saturday)

Toward a Nuclear Free Future
Nationwide assembly, March 26 (Saturday)
For Fukushima and our safety

5 years since Fukushima, 30 years since Chernobyl

Place: Yoyogi Park (Shibuya-ku, Tokyo)
Main stage (Yoyogi Park soccer grounds) / outdoor music stage / Keyaki Namiki stage

★Booths open: 11am
★Outdoor music stage / Keyaki Namiki stage 11:30~13:00
★Main stage (Yoyogi Park soccer grounds) 12:30~14:30
★Protest march starts at 14:30 (three courses planned)
(Plans subject to change. Please check the website for details)


Harajuku Station (JR Line): 10 mins walk
Yoyogi Koen Station (Chiyoda Line, C02): 11 mins walk
Meiji Jingu-mae Station (Harajuku) (Chiyoda Line (C03) and Fukutoshin Line (F15)): 10 mins walk
Yoyogi Hachiman Station (Odakyu Line): 13 mins walk
Shibuya Station (JR, Ginza, Hanzomon, Fukutoshin, Tokyo Toyoko, Denentoshi, Inokashira Lines): 15 mins walk

Main organizers: Sayonara Genpatsu 10 Million People’s Action / Genpatsu o Nakusu Zenkoku Renrakukai / Metropolitan Coalition Against Nukes / Hangenpatsu Undo Zenkoku Renraku Kai [National Anti-Nuclear Liaison Group]

Datsu-genpatsu Fukushima Kenmin Kaigi / Fukushima-ken Heiwa Forum / Fukushima genpatsu Kokusodan / Fukushima Fukko Kyodo Center / Fukushima Genpatsu Rodosha Sodan Center / Futaba Chiho Genpatsu Hantai  Domei

Other cooperating group:
So-gakari Kodo Jikko Iinkai

☆Sayonara Genpatsu 10 Million People’s Action Executive Committee:
c/o Gensuibaku Kinshi Nihon Kokumin Kaigi, Sohyokaikan 1F, Surugadai 3-2-11, Kanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Tel: 03-5289-8224 Fax: 03-5289-8223

☆Genpatsu o Nakusu Zenkoku Renrakukai Office:
Senrouren-kaikan, Heiwa-to-Rodo Center Zenrorenkai 2-4-4 Yushima Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo
Tel: 03-5842-6451

☆Metropolitan Coalition Against Nukes:
Tel: 080-9195-2668
Twitter: @MCANjp

☆ Hangenpatsu Undo Zenkoku Renraku Kai [National Anti-Nuclear Liaison Group] Akebonobashi Copo 2B, Sumiyoshi-cho 8-5, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo


Although five years have passed since the nuclear disaster in Fukushima, there is still no end in sight to the problems and radiation-tainted water continues to flow into the sea. Despite this, the government is brazenly attempting to restart reactors around the country and accelerating the export of nuclear technology overseas as if a nuclear accident had never occurred.

The Fukui District Court’s ruling in May 2014 condemning the restart of the Oi nuclear power plant clearly demonstrates that the government’s push to restart the reactors is not in the interest of people or society but merely due to economics. The ruling said, “National wealth means that people can live lives firmly rooted in rich land and the inability to return the land to rich land means a depletion of national wealth.”

Nonetheless, the government, Nuclear Regulation Authority, power companies and local municipalities with nuclear facilities chose to ignore the voice of nearby municipalities, local citizens and civic society and restarted the No.1 reactor of Kyushu Electric’s Sendai nuclear power plant in August and its No. 2 reactor in October last year without even devising an adequate evacuation plan. Shikoku Electric’s Ikata nuclear power plant No. 3 reactor and Kansai Electric’s Takahama nuclear power plant No. 3 and 4 reactors are also on course for restart after gaining the approval of local mayors. The question remains as to who will take responsibility in case of disaster and how they will go about this. We, the people of Japan, will not tolerate the restart of any nuclear facilities under any circumstances.

In addition, over 100,000 people are still living as evacuees following the Fukushima nuclear disaster and cannot return to their hometowns. Fukushima Prefecture’s policy indicates that it will cut housing support for 30,000 of these people, known as voluntary evacuees, in March 2017, and stop compensation to areas of forced evacuation in March 2018. Evacuees are therefore faced with the stark choice of either being exposed to radiation or falling into poverty. The authorities are ignoring the high radiation levels and the impact on people’s health, including the possibility of thyroid cancer, in trying to force people to return home and start rebuilding their lives without providing them due respect. We will not accept this. We will not tolerate this.

Five years have passed since the Fukushima nuclear disaster and the victims are doing their best to move forward and reconnect with each other in spite of the irrational actions of the government. It is essential that we connect with the victims and build and expand a strong network of support.

We must learn from the suffering caused by the nuclear disaster by not tolerating the restart of any nuclear facilities. People from all Japan, we urge you to gather in Yoyogi Park on March 26 to help us realize a nuclear-free society and demand relief and compensation for the victims of the nuclear disaster, who are seemingly being cast aside. Humankind and nuclear power are not meant to coexist. Let’s move toward a society that values all human life rather than one based solely on economics. It’s time for each of us to connect our ideas and our knowledge, and act. Let’s use our voices and take the next step forward to a better, safer world.

NO NUKES DAY has been designated as a day for united action aiming for a nuclear free future and is a united initiative of Sayonara Genpatsu 10 Million People’s Action, and Genpatsu wo Nakusu Zenkoku Renrakukai and Metropolitan Coalition Against Nukes. Previous NO NUKES DAYs have been held on June 2, 2013, October 13, 2013, March 9, 2014, June 28, 2014 and March 8, 2015. The sixth NO NUKES DAY planned for March 26, 2016 is expected to be the biggest demo yet. Let’s unite as a country and put further pressure on the government and power industry to put an end to nuclear power here once and for all.

○Please make appropriate preparations for weather, especially fluid for rehydration and rain gear.
○First-time participants welcome.
○Approach staff if you feel unwell.
○Solicitation to participate in religious or other groups is strictly prohibited.
○Please do not distribute any printed material to participants that has not first been approved by organizers.
○This action is a non-violent action. Please only participate upon understanding of this policy.

▼Help us with flier distribution
Help us to spread the word to as many people as possible. We are also looking for places to place the fliers such as shops.



Apply for fliers here:
(in Japanese; Metropolitan Coalition Against Nukes website)

▼Help us with a donation for the event
NO NUKES DAY on March 26 is run solely on donations from ordinary citizens. Please help us to continue our work with a donation.

For donations:
Bank name: Chuo Labour Bank
Branch number: 281
Account name: NO NUKES DAY 実行委員会 (Jikkou Iinkai; Executive Committee)
Futsuu (ordinary savings) account
Account number: 105179
*Please put “3.26 kanpa” in the reference section.