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7.29 Human Chain Action against the Diet Building for a Nuclear Free World
Posted on 8月 1st, 2012
7.29 Human Chain Action against the Diet Building for a Nuclear Free World
4 months has passed since the last Human Chain Action against the Diet Building, with Parade, which involved 14000 people. To show our ever more firm will for a nuclear free world, once again, let us gather around the Diet Bldg with a human chain. Come join us from all over Japan!
♦ Date: July 29th, 2012 Sunday (should the weather turn out hard, we may call suspension)
♦ Time: Meeting starts 15:30~, Parade 16:30~, Human chain 19:00~
♦ Meeting point: Hibiya-koen (Hibiya-Park)’s Nakasaiwai Gate (South-west of the park. Between the Library and the Public Hall) (check map: http://www.tokyo-park.or.jp/english/park/detail_02.html#hibiya )
♦ Access: 1-2 minute walk from “Kasumigaseki sta.” C1 or B2 exit (Chiyoda-line, Hibiya-line or Marunouchi-line), or else, “Uchisaiwaicho sta.” A7 exit (Mita-line).
♦ Host: Metropolitan Coalition Against Nukes
♦ Cooperation:
10 Million People’s Action to say Goodbye to Nuclear Power Plants
Genpatsu wo Nakusu Zenkoku Renrakukai (= National Conference on Abolishing Nuclear Power Plants)
The Atomic Café
Global Conference for a Nuclear Power Free World
WISE Amsterdam
♦Inquiry: info(atmark)coalitionagainstnukes.jp (Metropolitan Coalition Against Nukes)
♦WEB site: http://coalitionagainstnukes.jp/
(We recommend checking web site from time to time, in case of sudden changes)
• Mind to bring rainwear in case of rain.
• First timers are most welcome.
• Those who plan to participate in large groups, please inform us beforehand, if possible.
• Flags and banners should be limited to anti-nuclear subjects only.
• We firmly refuse any acts of solicitations (including religious) throughout the event.
May 5th, 2012 became a day to remember.
No.3 reactor of Tomari Nuclear Plant, owned by Hokkaido Electric Power Co. came to a halt, due to routine inspection, which brought us the day we have no nuclear plants under operation, for the first time in 42 years.
Ever since the disaster of 3.11, the ripple of anti-nuke movement has spread throughout our country. Voices opposing to nuclear plant restart has gained power, and neighbor local governments began to speak out against plans to restart the Oi Nuclear Plant. These acts have delayed nuclear power to regain its original position, thus made No-Nuke day happen (if temporary).
But we must be honest that situations surrounding Oi Nuclear Power Plant is very fragile, and the government has not shown us how and when we are stepping out on nuclear power.
Even though we have achieved a nuclear free period, we still have to keep showing our thoughts to make nuclear disappear forever.
The Metropolitan Coalition Against Nukes, have hosted the action, “3.11 Tokyo Big March -Mourning, and a new oath of anti-nuclear power-“ on March11 2012, which brought 14000 people together, marching, and surrounding the Diet Bldg with candle light.
Once again on July 29th, we will gather to march and encircle the Diet Bldg, candles of hope in our hands.
It is possible that, by then, the restart of Oi Nuclear Power Plant may be on its way.
But altogether, it will have nothing to do with our demands for a nuclear free world.
To prevent the tragedy which has already happened in Fukushima last year, to protect the next generation from carrying a burden too heavy, we must call for shutdowns of nuclear reactors, in a far more powerful manner.
We will be waiting for your participation.
▼About us
“Metropolitan Coalition Against Nukes” is the name given to a network which began its action on September 2011, among several groups and individuals hosting demonstrations of their own, in order to work together.
The first collaboration took shape as the “Rally for a Nuke-Free World in JAPAN” on October 22nd 2011, co-working with an American Ant-nuke coalition.
On January 14th 2012, “GLOBAL MARCH FOR A NUCLEAR POWER FREE WORLD IN YOKOHAMA” took place with 4500 participants as an action linked with the “Global Conference for a Nuclear Power Free World“ which was held at Pacifico Yokohama Conference Center.
On the first memorial of the Great Disaster, March 11th 2012, we held a demo [3.11 Tokyo Big March -Mourning, and a new oath of anti-nuclear power-] with 14000 people, plus a candle demonstration surrounding the diet building.
Ever since April 2012, we have kept calling for a protest in front of the Prime Minister’s Office. Every time we shoot this demo, more than a thousand people come and join us, gaining strength each time.
We will keep co-working with all kinds of groups and individuals in and out of Japan.
[Participating Groups] (as of May 30 2012)
Act 311 Japan / kodomo-mirai-orchestra / “Drums of Fury” EXCO / Energy Shift Parade / Genpatsu Yamero (Stop the Nukes) Demo !!!!!! / Kunitachi Demonstration Yarou Kai (Nonukes-Kunitachi) / Volunteers of “Datsu-Genpatsu (No Nuke) Suginami” / No Nukes Plaza “Tanpoposya” / TwitNoNukes / NO NUKES MORE HEARTS / Papa Mama Boku no Datsu-Genpatsu Walk (A No-Nuke March by Dad, Mom and Me) / Yasai (Veg) Demo / LOFT PROJECT / pure individuals
“3.11 Tokyo Big March” Pics & Movies → http://coalitionagainstnukes.jp/?p=407
[Supports wanted] Send us an E-mail with a title “7.29 support” written. Specify your name of group, position.
No need to worry about Money.
[Take Action]
To grow the action even more, help us by spreading info. Shops and spaces who may lend us spaces to set flyers are most welcome! Send us an E-mail with “7.29flyer” included in its title. Describe your address and amount of flyers you wish to get.
*personal info will be used on communication purpose only.