●首都圏反原発連合では、「11.11 反原発 1000000 人大占拠」の開催に当たり、日比谷公園集合/出発のデモを予定しておりましたが、東京都が公園の使用を認めず、デモ申請を行うことができない事態となっておりました。
★ プレスリリース/「11.11 反原発 1000000 人大占拠」での日比谷公園使用に係る裁判結果について(PDFファイル)
★13:00〜 国会&霞ヶ関周辺デモ(予定)
千代田線・日比谷線「霞ヶ関駅」C1出口より 200m、丸の内線「霞ヶ関駅」B2出口より300m、
★15:00〜19:00 国会周辺並びに周辺省庁での抗議・占拠
★17:00〜19:00 国会正門前大集会
【主催】首都圏反原発連合 -Metropolitan coalition against nukes-
国会前抗議 呼びかけ:首都圏反原発連合
官邸前抗議 呼びかけ:首都圏反原発連合
経産省前抗議 呼びかけ:火炎瓶テツと仲間たち
文科省前抗議 呼びかけ:脱原発国民の会
財務省前抗議 呼びかけ:ZENKO(平和と民主主義をめざす全国交歓会)
外務省前抗議 呼びかけ:ZENKO(平和と民主主義をめざす全国交歓会)
厚生労働省前抗議 呼びかけ:原発をなくす全国連絡会有志
東電前抗議 呼びかけ:原発をなくす全国連絡会有志
Jパワー前抗議 呼びかけ:原子力規制委員会を監視する有志市民★催し
経産省前テントひろば うたや踊りなど
セブンイレブンでネットプリントが可能です。 ネットプリント番号:17428528(期限:11/14まで)
民主党 大河原雅子 参議院議員
国民の生活が第一 姫井由美子 参議院議員
日本共産党 志位和夫 衆議院議員
社会民主党 福島瑞穂 参議院議員
新党きづな 中後淳 衆議院議員
減税日本 小林興起 衆議院議員
新党大地・真民主 平山誠 参議院議員
新党日本 田中康夫 衆議院議員
無所属 亀井静香 衆議院議員
みんなの党 川田龍平 参院議員
飯田哲也(環境エネルギー政策研究所 所長)
坂本龍一(ミュージシャン) ※録音メッセージ
宇都宮健児(元 日本弁護士連合会 会長)
ツイート文:【予定変更あり!11.11反原発1000000人大占拠】11/11(日)13時〜のデモは中止、15時〜19時の首相官邸前、国会議事堂周辺をはじめとする永田町・霞が関一帯の大規模占拠抗議行動は決行!全国から結集を!ツイートボタンで拡散を!→ http://coalitionagainstnukes.jp/?p=1275
▼11.11賛同団体/グループ 募集中
The “11.11 One Million Strong Against Nuclear Energy” demonstration scheduled to start at 13:00 in Hibiya Park on Sunday, November 11, has been canceled due to a rejection by the High Court of our petition for use of the park. However, the protest is still scheduled to go ahead from 15:00 at our standard protest areas. As such, we would appreciate it if people instead went directly to these respective protest areas.
For details, please see http://coalitionagainstnukes.jp/.
Additionally, an assembly will be held from 17:00~19:00 in front of the main gate of the parliament building. We welcome your attendance here too.
11.11 One Million Strong Against Nuclear Energy
[Urgent] This Sunday, November 11, we are seeking to get a massive number of people to protest against nuclear energy in the Nagata-cho & Kasumigaseki area, which includes the Prime Minister’s residence and the Houses of Parliament. Our aim is to get people from all over Japan to join us in voicing our opposition.
[Host]: -Metropolitan Coalition Against Nukes-
[Cooperating organizations]: Sayonara Genpatsu 10 Million People’s Action / Genpatsu wo Nakusu Zenkoku Renrakukai / Global Conference for a Nuclear Power Free World / Keisanshou-mae Tent Hiroba
In summer 2012, the Noda cabinet dismissed calls by the general public for “no restarts” to Japan’s nuclear power plants, rejecting countermeasures for safety and granting approval to a restart of Oi
Nuclear Power Plant’s No. 3 & 4 reactors.
However, these restarts provided no more than 10% of Kansai Electric Power Co.’s electricity supply, demonstrating that Japan was able to survive without nuclear power during the peak power consumption period of summer. In turn, this clearly shows that the Japanese people do not need to depend on nuclear power, even while alternative power sources are being developed. Moreover, it proves that terminating operations at all nuclear power plants is a viable solution to our national
security problems.
The government has chosen to ignore the fact that over 90% of public opinions gathered call for “zero nuclear energy.” In fact, the government acquiesced to demands from the Japanese business community and the United States to defer formulation of a national energy strategy that includes a retreat from nuclear energy. Additionally, the government modified its stance of removing pro-nuclear staff from the to-be-renewed nuclear regulatory commission and its bureau, instead assigning the pro-nuclear Shunichi Tanaka and others to its seats. Such actions make a mockery of laws and principles, and will only prolong nuclear business and put the possibility of future abolition of nuclear power in doubt. Japan is thus heading down a road to continued nuclear power in spite of the ongoing Fukushima disaster and the lack of compensation made to date.
Nonetheless, do not forget that we the people have the power and opportunity to change the world. The fact that we spoke out and did not remain silent on the nuclear issue enabled us to achieve various goals, such as the 56 days of no nuclear power that began on May 5th, the meeting with Prime Minister Noda and the “Nuclear Phase Out” declaration formulated by the government (even if it was only temporary).
The demonstrations held throughout Japan since March 11, the weekly protests in front of the Prime Minister’s residence and in some 100 or more other places nationwide, the public hearings, the petitions and all other civic actions have undoubtedly had an impact on the government.
On Sunday, November 11, we, the Metropolitan Coalition Against Nukes, are calling for a gathering unprecedented in size in the Nagata-cho and Kasumigaseki area, which includes the Prime Minister’s residence and the Houses of Parliament.
Together, let’s make our voices heard and steer the government toward a zero nuclear energy policy, with no reactor restarts and a commitment to abolish all nuclear plants immediately. This action is not solely reserved for residents of the Tokyo Metropolitan area. We are calling for people from all over Japan to join us in making a stand against nuclear power.