

Rally for a Nuke-Free World in JAPAN

In response to the act“Rally for a Nuke-Free World” held on Oct. 1st in America, we will host our own rally in Shibuya, Tokyo.
Please take your part in this major marching demonstration, demanding extermination of nuclear plants from Japan, and from the world!!

Date & Time: Oct 22nd, 2011 Saturday.
Pre-meeting held 13:30, Demonstration walk starts on 14:30
(We carry on, no matter the weather.)

Meeting point: Yoyogi-koen’s southern part of the “Keyaki-Namiki” (a broad, pedestrian-only road alongside NHK Hall)
Nearest train station: JR or Tokyo Metro Subway “Shibuya”, or JR’s “Harajuku”, Tokyo Metro Subway “Meiji Jingu-Mae”.

The Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plants’ down fall on March 2011, has now surpassed the damage done by Cheronobyl,
and is still showing no signs to stop contaminating environment and life.
The Japanese Government and the Power Company seems to have no intentions to abandon it’s pro-nuclear policies,
but they are trying to make the accident look as if there is nothing to worry about.
What makes things worse is, that large number of people still have not lost confidence in the authority and the mass media,
which is pretending the disaster was in the past.
Meanwhile, a movement against nuclear titled “Rally for a Nuke-Free World (Hosted by ‘Coalition against nukes’)” has took place on Oct 1st, in America.
This was an act to support Japan which is suffering serious damage done by the Fukushima Accident, and to express their distrust against safety in
nuclear plants all over America.
And now, in response to this act, several groups and organizations which have been taking anti-nuke actions individually, mainly in Tokyo since day 3-11,
will join together for a one major demonstration. The purpose is to stop every nuclear plants in Japan in the first place, and then, to stop those
all over the world. By this act, we are also aiming to join the global anti-nuke movements.

Now, let us come together and make our own ways for a new, Nuke-Free World.
Please come together and join us on Oct 22nd in Shibuya. You are most welcome.

Host: “Metropolitan Coalition Against Nukes”
Co-Host: “Act 311 Japan” / “Anshin Anzen na Mirai wo Kodomotachi ni Orchestra” / “‘Ikari no Drum Demo’ Executive Committee” /
“TwitNoNukes” / “NO NUKES MORE HEARTS” / “Yasai ni mo Hitokoto Iwasete! Genpatsu Sayonara Demo”
Cooperation: “Energy Shift Parade” / “Tanpopo-sha”

Supporters: Hajime Matsumoto(“Shirouto no Ran”) / Shin Hutatsugi / Hikaru Yamashita(“Shirouto no Ran”)
(in random order, as of Oct 12, 2011)

Supporters wanted! E-mail us with “10.22 Supporter” included in Mail Subject, name and job title required(if you wish to use one).
E-mail: 1022(atmark)nukefreeworld.jpn.org

Inquiry: “Metropolitan Coalition Against Nukes”
E-mail: 1022(atmark)nukefreeworld.jpn.org


Solidarity Greetings from the Anti-Nuclear Rallies in the United States

We extend our most heartfelt feelings of solidarity and support to the
people of Japan who are suffering from the combined disasters of the March
11 genpatsu shinsai. The natural disaster of the earthquake and tsunami was
made far worse by the entirely man-made health and environmental catastrophe
caused by humankind’s disastrous 60 year experiment with nuclear power.

However, we have not only been horrified on behalf of the Japanese people
and those living close to the meltdowns at the Fukushima-Daiichi nuclear
plants, we have also been tremendously inspired. We have been inspired by
the spirit, heroism and activism of Japanese workers, farmers and women who
have organized against the corruption and incompetence of TEPCO, the
Japanese nuclear regulatory agency and the irresponsibility of the Japanese
government; a government that has sacrificed the health and welfare of their
citizens for economic and political expediency.

This has given us the strength and motivation to organize here at home,
where our government is just as deep in the pocket of dangerous, corrupt ,
and reckless, nuclear corporations as in Japan. We are committed to
building a movement to shut down the 104 ageing nuclear reactors in the US
so that no-one has to go through what you have had to go through. We know
there is no such thing as a safe nuclear power plant and we don’t need any
more catastrophic accidents like Fukushima, Chernobyl or Three Mile Island
to prove it. No child should have to go to school with a radiation
dosimeter and no parent should have to worry about them playing in the
schoolyard for fear of radioactive contamination. Nor do we want to poison
our land, air and oceans for tens of thousands of years with even more
radioactive waste from nuclear power generation without any way of safe

We extend our solidarity and support to all the people of Japan in the face
of the ongoing nuclear crisis because we also know that radiation has no
respect for national boundaries. All those who oppose nuclear power and
want to build a clean energy future where our children and their children
and their children’s children are born and grow up able to eat safely,
breath clean air and drink fresh water uncontaminated with nuclear radiation
must link arms to build an international anti-nuclear movement.

Your Fight is Our Fight. Your Struggle is Our Struggle. We Will Always
Stand With You.
In Solidarity. For a Nuclear-Free World,

US Anti-Nuclear Activists, Oct 1 Demonstrations.
Coalition Against Nukes and all of the many anti-nuclear, pro clean energy
organizations, that made the rallies on October 1st possible. We stand with
you on this day, and every day, until the nuclear threat is finally over.